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BATIC's Got Talent
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BATIC Trust Olympic and Paralympic Heritage Project
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BATIC Trust Paralympic Project
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BATIC Trust - Active Colleagues Projects
January 1, 1970, 12:00 am

BATIC Trust Olympic and Paralympic Heritage Project


The BATIC Trust has been successful in securing a grant of £77,000 from the Heritage Lottery Fund to deliver an exciting project across the 16 schools, focused on local heritage and the Olympic and Paralympics.

The BATIC Trust is a charitable organisation formed by 16 schools all in the vicinity of Hadleigh, Benfleet and Thundersley including a mixture of Infant, Junior, Primary and Special and one Secondary School.

The executive Board of Directors for the Trust is made up of a representative, on a voluntary basis, from each school. These are a combination of Headteachers and school Governors. The operational management of the Trust is taken forward by two paid members of staff, a Trust Manager and an Administration Assistant who work through the mechanism of a Headteacher forum, which acts as the Management Committee.

The Trust will look at collaborative working, sharing of best practice and expertise, joint projects and bids and where possible, economies of scale. The organisation is currently funded through donations made by each of the schools involved and fundraising and bids are handled on a project by project basis. It is worth noting that this is still a relatively new concept and the Trust has only been truly active in recent months.The purpose of the Trust is to create opportunities for students and staff from the 16 schools under the aim of 'working together to create a stronger community".

All of the schools are in the borough of Castle Point which was the host district for the London 2012 Hadleigh Mountain Biking event. The theme of our project will be to engage with students across the 16 Trust schools ranging in ages from 5 to 16 years old to research their local heritage around former Olympians born within the district of Castle Point and researching the history of the Hadleigh Farm Olympic Mountain Bike venue. This will provide young people with an insight into local heritage but in the context of a world-wide multi-national event i.e., the Olympics and Paralympics. Students and teachers will be guided through a mixture of workshops, classroom based activities, trips and varying research techniques to discover for themselves key historical events around their local heritage. The project would culminate in a Celebration Event linking with the Essex Legacy 2012 team and a local Fire Station which has been converted into a London 2012 Legacy building situated in Hadleigh.